Thursday, January 8, 2009

And they're off!!

Tina and I were getting bored at work and needed to lighten the mood. So what better than to have a horse race in our cubical! We hopped on the mini Gravano that Bella painted for me and off we went! I was concerned with the herd behind me, and Tina was giving him the schtick.

Below I've put up some out-takes of me mounting and almost falling off.

Ride that piggy Tina!


pvdb said...

HaHaHilarious! Love the facial expressions and the "twins" you are racing against!

pvdb said...

You're OFF alright! Off you're rockers!!
Poor Mike, is he the only one who works over there?

pvdb said...
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Dory Tuohey said...

haha! He gave us the pig! No we were totally trying to lighten the mood since the rumor mill is flowing with layoffs coming soon at CDW.