In response to Patti's post about her top 3 rides, I was able to think of one right away. They've all been so great that I was having trouble picking out 2 more individual rides. But with the blizzard outside, and my longing to be out there with Tina and Patti right now in the snow, I picked my other rides. I have to say riding in the snow is my favorite time to ride.
My #3 ride has to be when Tina and I were on the 137 stretch in the snow last winter. I can't recall if we were trotting or cantering. All I remember was the feeling. This one particular ride had some pretty deep snow and the horses were just bouncing so lightly over the snow. It was amazing! It felt like we were on air. I just giggled to myself the whole time.

I'd say this had to be when Patti and I went out in the snow last winter. I was on Grace and she was on Gem. We had a fresh snow fall - a good 6 inches - and no one had been on the trails yet. Patti went out in front of me and we trotted through the trees just after we turned south at the fork. It was the coolest thing I'd ever seen! It's hard to describe. I was behind Patti and Gem and as Gem trotted through the fresh snow, it was like a boat cruising through the water leaving a wake behind. The snow splayed out to the sides as Gemmy plowed through. It was so cool.
This was the ride that came to mind first when I read Patti's post so it has to be my number 1. Again, last winter, I took Gracie out in the snowy hay field. At this point in time I was only walking and trotting. So we went and trotted all around the area closest to the barn which is a hill that goes over by the willow trees. We were headed uphill and the next thing I knew... we were cantering! I'm sure the smoothest thing about it was my transition since I wasn't aware we were going to canter. The rest of me I'm sure was none too pretty. I'm sure my legs were flapping, I was slapping the saddle with my caboose, and I'm pretty sure we did a bunch of counter cantering as we circled. AND I wasn't really sure how to transition him back to the trot. But it felt great!!! So I went with it! We cantered around and around the hill top in a circle in the snow. I figured if I fell off, at least it would be a soft landing. Gracie was free flying with me on top.

Honorable Mention Ride
I also had a fantastic summer hay field ride worth mentioning. I was more seasoned in my canter at this time. It was just me and Grace and as we approached the strip that runs along River Rd, we had a fantastic canter. I loosened up the reins a little, gave him his head, and let him go. I was like, come on Gracie, let's go! It was so awesome that we turned around and did it a couple more times!
My #3 ride has to be when Tina and I were on the 137 stretch in the snow last winter. I can't recall if we were trotting or cantering. All I remember was the feeling. This one particular ride had some pretty deep snow and the horses were just bouncing so lightly over the snow. It was amazing! It felt like we were on air. I just giggled to myself the whole time.
I'd say this had to be when Patti and I went out in the snow last winter. I was on Grace and she was on Gem. We had a fresh snow fall - a good 6 inches - and no one had been on the trails yet. Patti went out in front of me and we trotted through the trees just after we turned south at the fork. It was the coolest thing I'd ever seen! It's hard to describe. I was behind Patti and Gem and as Gem trotted through the fresh snow, it was like a boat cruising through the water leaving a wake behind. The snow splayed out to the sides as Gemmy plowed through. It was so cool.
This was the ride that came to mind first when I read Patti's post so it has to be my number 1. Again, last winter, I took Gracie out in the snowy hay field. At this point in time I was only walking and trotting. So we went and trotted all around the area closest to the barn which is a hill that goes over by the willow trees. We were headed uphill and the next thing I knew... we were cantering! I'm sure the smoothest thing about it was my transition since I wasn't aware we were going to canter. The rest of me I'm sure was none too pretty. I'm sure my legs were flapping, I was slapping the saddle with my caboose, and I'm pretty sure we did a bunch of counter cantering as we circled. AND I wasn't really sure how to transition him back to the trot. But it felt great!!! So I went with it! We cantered around and around the hill top in a circle in the snow. I figured if I fell off, at least it would be a soft landing. Gracie was free flying with me on top.
Honorable Mention Ride
I also had a fantastic summer hay field ride worth mentioning. I was more seasoned in my canter at this time. It was just me and Grace and as we approached the strip that runs along River Rd, we had a fantastic canter. I loosened up the reins a little, gave him his head, and let him go. I was like, come on Gracie, let's go! It was so awesome that we turned around and did it a couple more times!
Your post about the ride in the snow with you on Grace & me on Gem was one of my top ten rides. That was such a fun day & it was gorgeous out. We cleared fallen trees off the trail and i remembered thinking: I hope Dory isn't too cold 'cause I really want to keep going! It was a great ride.
That's right! You were cutting new paths for us through the woods to get around those trees!
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