Maybe Wednesday entries should just be named, "Desperate Horsewomen", for the waves of giddiness and the attraction Mario generates is just crazy.
I'm 39 years old...I shouldn't get all kooky and googly-eyed from some guy with crunchy-gelled hair and suspenders riding a horse. But noooo...this is Marioooooo...a rico-suave Caballero, ¿Si? Dios mio!
So today Dory and I rode as usual, and as I was going about my after-care chores, I noticed a crowd had gathered at both doors of the indoor arena. I looked and there was Mario leading into the arena a palomino that I thought was Bob's horse, Bo. Eh, nice, whatever.
But I saw Kate with a video camera, and I looked again, and Bo looked super fabulous. Exquisite, shining gold coat; cresty, arched neck and sparkling white mane and tail to die for. And I thought to myself, "Wow, Mario just touches a horse and it looks gorgeous!"
So on my way back I noticed everyone was dead quiet. You could have heard a pin drop in the arena footing. I stopped to see what they were all staring at with huge, saucer-eyes.
Well! Bob imported from Spain a new perla (palomino) Andalusian stallion, aptly named "Rubio del Oro", or Red Gold.
That was it. I couldn't take my eyes off that horse. I would love to post a picture for you to see, but I can't find one on the 'net that even comes close to how beautiful this horse is. He's not just palomino. He's gold.
Mind you, Dory and I had to get back to work. So I finally tore myself away from the arena door to go back to Dory, Grace and Gem so we could turn the guys out and leave. Just as I'm leaving the aisle, here comes Mario, Rubio and their entourage, which included Mario's photographer, Bob, Bob's woman friend, Kate and a teen girl. Mario gives me the courteous head nod, "How are you.." and then turns — the opposite direction — to Dory, waves and gives her a really friendly, "Hey, how are you?" UH! She turned beet red, giggled and we quickly led the horses out of the aisle and out to pasture.
Of course, we came back to view the Mario Show in the limestone outdoor, and we watched him put Rubio through his paces which included piaffe and spanish walk. We were standing in the doorway, well behind the entourage, but at one point Bob turned around to see who was gasping and breathing so heavily behind him. I waved sheepishly and felt like an idiot. He probably thought we were rehearsing for some bad porno track. Good thing I left my red stilettos at home.
"He's gorgeous," I said breathily.
"...and the horse isn't bad either," Dory gasped.
omg love this! I keep reading it over again... reliving it of course... and also laughing at it because I'm such an idiot. haha
Me too! Idiots love company!
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