Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Why we love them so.........
"...gushing drivel spewed out of my mouth..."
Did I mention how well dressed Mario was? He had on this tan newsboy cap, really nice sunglasses, matching tan breeches, a white dress shirt with a sweater vest over it. Hot.
I continue to leave the arena and take care of Grace. The whole time I’m putzing with Grace, all I can think of is how Patti was joking about me throwing my “under garments” at him during medieval times. It was cracking me up. So then I’m just about to leave. He’s still working on Valentino and I’m afraid to go out there to get a card, but at the same time I don’t want him to think that I don’t want his card. So I watch for a little bit, then ask his camera man for one. He’s confused a little, but then Mario comes over and says something to him in Spanish and he gets me one. I proceed to thank Mario and gush some more before my exit. How embarrassing. I’m totally ashamed.
And then! I was totally daydreaming about my encounter with him all the way down River Road. Brutal.
Here's Mario's website. Disclaimer: he's way hotter than the first photo that opens with the web page. I'm not digging the stache.
PS. I had a lesson today too. It was really great. I was doing a short-stirrup course but cantering the poles of course. No jumpy jump for me yet. (My enthusiasm for my lesson kind of fell to the back burner when Mario showed up)
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Tails from the Trail - Up the Trail without a Saddle
Yeah. Uh huh. Sure you are...not.
Exactly. I didn't. But what I did do Sunday was get out there at 7:30 am, decked out in my running attire, heart rate monitor ready...and took Gemmy for a jog.
Heading out, my goal was to make it at least to 137 without stopping, which seemed like a challenge. But once Gem got over his initial lazy-ass attitude and started jogging with me, it was really fun! He trotted along in the grass on my right side, and I'd turn to comment to him about how much my glutes sympathized with his, trying to keep pace up the hills, and I also took some action shots.
Patti and Grace met us in Adler Woods where we decided to see if Grace would "pony" Gem. Grace was so cute, he was the "big boy trailhorse" and had to take the lead for Gem, something new for everyone.
Notice that Patti maintains correct leg position as Gem plants his hooves firmly and says, "This broad's crazy if she thinks I'm going with them!"
Once we convinced Gem to trot up, they ponied very well together. Gem didn't even try to boss Grace around and just trotted by Gracie's side like a big red puppy. Patti took them well down the trail and back, while I tried to keep up and take more pictures.
Finally we all headed back to the barn, me still on foot. Gem was quite a bit perkier and somehow I kept up with everyone, running my ass off.
Saturday, May 24, 2008
The leg bone's connected to the hip bone...
If you read DocK's scrawly note he left on the stall door yesterday, Gem seems to be a mess. No pain in the saddle area - that's good. Arthritic left hip - we already knew about that. Here's where it gets fun: sore right glute, 1/5 sore left front suspensory and sensitivity to accupressure points along the right side.
Not at all what I expected, but not horrible nonetheless. We're going to forego any saddle until the new one arrives and double his aspirin regimen. Once the saddle comes, we'll use it and DocK will re-check Gem about 2 weeks after that.
Friday, May 23, 2008
If the saddle fits
I know! But I didn't know. But I did. But I didn't. And just lately Tracy said she thought he hurt. Well she was right. Is it the cow kicking he does when we ask him to pick up the left lead canter that tipped us off? Uh, maybe. Is it the sucking back and crow-hopping he does in the corners? Uh, could be.
Tracy offered to buy a new saddle for us to ride in, so Wednesday we browsed and picked four saddles to try: Bates Caprilli, Barnsby Aurora, Burghley event and a Pessoa GenX.
Yesterday we tried them on and the Bates fit him the best. The Barnsby is a super-sweet saddle also, but it didn't quite fit him right which was sort of a bummer. But that Bates felt soft like buttah. OOOh aaahhhhhh....
Tracy rode first in it, while Becky and I watched. Gem seemed more forward and his gait more fluid and I feel even more guilty. Sigh. But at least we are getting this straightened out and we will all move forward more comfortably from now on!
I also asked DocK to check Gem overall for anything else that may be bothering him, whether it's related to saddle fit or not. We already know about his stiff left hip so we'll see what else he comes back with.
Fall Picnic 2007

Thursday, May 22, 2008
Here's my ride (start daydream & insert yourselves now) Trotted trough St Francis Woods (slooowly, he was like "are we really doing this"?) I let him be slow because I knew we were going for a while. Cantered "up top" (beautiful), picked it up all by himself as I shortened the reins. Cantered "in between" (double beautiful), big gigantic tanker on the road there, didn't bat an eye. Over the second bridge heading to the "137 stretch" he again picked up the canter as I shortened my reins :) had a really nice ride to the first tree line then broke to trot & kept that going through his scary stretch (why he's so looky there I'll never know, he does it fine going home!!). Under 137 trotted past the school kids over to the grass & cantered Adler. Moved to the trail & kept going til the first ditch (pipe). Walked some, then trotted til we got past the bench & bend, picked up the canter by the first "swamp" and rode that stretch til we came to the "valley of the logs". Walked. Saw a snake! let him catch his breath & then it was back to the trot (past "the swamp" and rushing water drainage pipe up to Oak Spring. Hottie Bicyclist comments: "Nice Horse" (you're not so bad yourself honey ;). Coming up to train trestle & bridge: loud train whistle (holy crap), trot through the big puddle (the one you walked through, Tina) & down the canoe launch path about 8 yards in. Turned him around to look, could have cared less. Trotted to 176 with minor stops for trail maintenance (low tree branches gone now!). Cantered the "176 to Old Rockland" stretch once we were past the houses; Very Good Boy Here! Over the road & trotted to the "open hill". After we came out of the slight first curve (by the blood) he knew the drill. I started to shorten and .......... Canter! Man, he loves that stretch I think because it's wide open on both sides, I love it cause it's uphill & he powers up. Turned around up top and headed home. Much of the same going back (and another train on the bridge) cantered & trotted pretty much the same spots. Ran into (not literally) little kids & teachers in Adler woods. Kids petted Gracie. On the buckle extended trot at 137. Picking up speed. I pick up my reins, he picks up the canter. Doesn't bat an eye the whole stretch (he's a total Excuseman). Walk pretty much after that til the first bridge (pond one), canter up the "sandy stretch" all the way along the oaks til the middle of "up top". Have to walk & let him relax and cool down. See big fat TOAD in St Francis Woods hope he doesn't get squashed. Home, bath, backwash, turnout with the boys & the bitch. Gravano & Grace were together & Skye starts walking over to them (flirt) so Gemmy starts trotting to her (get her in line, prize fighter!). Grace is like "I'm outta here" & goes trotting away. Smart boy!
It was a great day, I'm happy!
Meet the boys!

Gem - as I wrote before, not sure what breed he is. It was glamorous to call him a "warmblood", but conformation-wise, I really think he's mostly Quarter Horse. I have no papers for him, nor do I know his birthday so I guess he's about 17 years old.
Here's a pretty good description of Gem from the book, "Is Your Horse a Rock Star?" by Dessa Hockley. Yes, well Gem is no Rock Star, instead he's a Prize Fighter.
"This horse has opinions and is ready to defend them. It is in your best interest to listen to him. To get the job done you must work with him. He will have numerous rules and requirements. He will also get you to the winner's circle when you have developed a working relationship. Unlike the Rock Star that is there for the glory and recognition, the Prize Fighter is there because they love the sport and the competition."
Talk about rules and requirements! Just ask Gracie!
Gem: "Uh yeah...listen up, Grace, you are going to cross the bridge first, because I cannot possibly look for boogie men in the bushes and trees while I have my eyes firmly fixated on every step I take across this bridge...but in return I will guard you from all boogie men enroute to 137. Just don't get too close to my butt. I'm not that kinda guy."
And yes, he has and still undoubtably would take me to the winner's circle once an understanding has been met between the two of us. He's my "steady eddy", and my "big red boyfriend". Couldn't live without him!

Grace - Patti's horse of 17 years. Sweet, beautiful, and when Patti took the quiz for Grace, he came up the People Pleaser.
"Soft, sensitive, and very sweet describes this horse that will try and try to please you. They like to be told exactly what you want and then have you help them perform it. This is not your go-it-alone type of horse. They need you for support and can get very rattled if expectations are too high. This horse is in your life for the relationship."
Gem's lucky to have Grace as his friend. No one else would take Gem's sh$t like Grace does.

Gravano - Excerpt from the Daily Racing Form news: Happy ending to a long career.
ARLINGTON HEIGHTS, Ill. - An old claiming horse named Gravano won the first race on April 17 at Hawthorne. In fact, he couldn't lose, according to the bettors, who made Gravano a crushing 1-2 favorite to beat five rivals in a $4,000 claimer. Gravano delivered, won by six: "Shown whip," reads the official chart comment for his performance.
Afterward, Doug Matthews, who has owned and trained Gravano since summer 2004, showed the horse the door.
"One hundred and three starts," Matthews said. "I wanted him to go out a winner."
Yes, a happy ending on the southwest side of Chicago. Gravano, 10, an Indiana-bred son of Pioneering, avoided any of the darker fates that sometimes await an old racehorse who can't go on. Matthews made sure of that.
Gravano won on a Thursday, and before the weekend was out, he had taken up residence at a Forest Preserve stable north of Chicago. He will serve as a trail horse there.
"He's got a stall, he's got his own groom, he's got a couple paddock buddies," Matthews said. "He won on Thursday, and I took him out there Saturday before I changed my mind."
Gravano never was any kind of star. Matthews claimed the horse for $7,500, and the first race he won thereafter was for a $4,000 claiming price. But Gravano got better than that, and made pretty good money in the starter-allowance ranks for the better part of three years. But the second half of his 9-year-old season, Gravano started sliding. Matthews got him good enough to win one more time and pulled the plug.
"He did good for me, so I figured I'd try to do right by him," he said. "I thought it couldn't really go anywhere but downhill from there."
Often, things really go downhill after a horse leaves the track. Not this time.

Slew - Another OTTB, officially named, "Slew Slayer", is Jen's horse. He lives at another barn and is being retrained by Jen and a trainer whom he's known for most of his life.
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Real women of the MRC
Let me introduce (from left to right) the Real Women of the MRC*: Tina (me), Nora, Patti, Jen and Dory. Last Friday we met at the "Vine", one of our favorite watering troughs for beers, pomegranate martinis and awesome chocolate martinis.
Tina - I've got a big, clunky, chestnut, 17-year-old-ish gelding named Gem. Not sure quite what he is breed-wise. I used to think he was a warmblood mix, but now I'm leaning more towards a quarter-horse. I've had him for about 9 years. I got him right before I had my first of two children. I've been riding for over 30 years - yikes!
Nora - Works with me and Dory and Jen. Takes lessons on Sam at the barn. She's been riding on and off throughout her life.
Patti - Her horse is Grace, a beautiful, refined 19-year-old, TB gelding. Yes, gelding. His "whole" name is Amazing Grace, given to him by a less-than-amazing trainer we used 17 years ago. She's been riding at least as long as I have, I'd bet longer.
Jen - Jen works with me, Nora and Dory. She shareboards Patti's horse, Grace. But Jen also has two spirited OTTBs - Slew and Gravano. Jen is an "international rider"!
Dory - Dory works with me, Nora and Jen. We three all sit together in a "pod", except for Jen who works upstairs. Dory shareboards Grace and is Gravano's "mama". Dory started riding seriously again about 8 months ago.
Tracy - Tracy is a long-time friend who shareboards Gem. She, Patti and I had all of our children within the same timeframe. Her daughter has also started riding!
*Not pictured is Tracy, I'll get pictures of her soon!
Monday, May 19, 2008
Toast to the Asshats, Jackie and JP
Thank you for not knowing anything about horses, yet choosing to purchase four: one lame gelding, two unbroken fillies and a poor, unlucky soul.
Thank you for never listening to Patti, as she tried - over and over - to guide you through horse ownership.
Thank you for driving Patti insane from your ignorance and vanity - prompting her to take Grace and bring him back to the boarding stable where Gem lives.
Thank you for returning my best riding friend!
Once Patti came back about a year ago, we joked around about forming the Mom's Riding Club (MRC). We may be past our showing careers, we may not be lessoning, but we are riding* despite everything children, husbands, work and life throws at us. Between us, we have at least 60 years of riding experience. That has to count for something!
*(And boy, do we ride! We are super cool. Don' t you forget it. I won't let you!)