Wednesday, December 24, 2008

I Forgot My JINGLE BELLS!!!!!.............

but we went dashing through the snow anyway! The snow was perfect and fresh for our Christmas Eve ride and I went helmetless 'cause I could. The boys were pokey heading out. I guess my old geezer is wise to the fact that I love my long rides in the woods so he paces himself now. On the way back, different story, we trotted most of the way and I had to half-halt Grace for if I didn't he would break into a canter. I love that :)
I shot 2 video's of us cantering but the first one didn't take. User error. Jeez 46 and Alzheimers already!
Heading home through the wide open 137 stretch Dory and I were side by side with Grace cantering (I dropped my stirrups and just sat back) and Gemmy doing an amazing extended trot keeping pace, the snow flying in our wakes. DREAMY!
I've earned my Pomegranate Martinis tonight and Gracie his mash.
Merry Christmas Everyone!

Friday, December 19, 2008

Touched for the very first time...

Today Patti and I scrambled out through the wind, the sleet, and the snow to get to the barn for an awesome ride today in VIRGIN snow.

It was amazing. Both Grace and Gem were so good, we reveled the entire ride. We walked mostly, with a bit of trotting here and there. We saw some deer bounding away from us and hawks cautiously watching from above.

Top 3 Rides for Dory.

In response to Patti's post about her top 3 rides, I was able to think of one right away. They've all been so great that I was having trouble picking out 2 more individual rides. But with the blizzard outside, and my longing to be out there with Tina and Patti right now in the snow, I picked my other rides. I have to say riding in the snow is my favorite time to ride.

My #3 ride has to be when Tina and I were on the 137 stretch in the snow last winter. I can't recall if we were trotting or cantering. All I remember was the feeling. This one particular ride had some pretty deep snow and the horses were just bouncing so lightly over the snow. It was amazing! It felt like we were on air. I just giggled to myself the whole time.

I'd say this had to be when Patti and I went out in the snow last winter. I was on Grace and she was on Gem. We had a fresh snow fall - a good 6 inches - and no one had been on the trails yet. Patti went out in front of me and we trotted through the trees just after we turned south at the fork. It was the coolest thing I'd ever seen! It's hard to describe. I was behind Patti and Gem and as Gem trotted through the fresh snow, it was like a boat cruising through the water leaving a wake behind. The snow splayed out to the sides as Gemmy plowed through. It was so cool.

This was the ride that came to mind first when I read Patti's post so it has to be my number 1. Again, last winter, I took Gracie out in the snowy hay field. At this point in time I was only walking and trotting. So we went and trotted all around the area closest to the barn which is a hill that goes over by the willow trees. We were headed uphill and the next thing I knew... we were cantering! I'm sure the smoothest thing about it was my transition since I wasn't aware we were going to canter. The rest of me I'm sure was none too pretty. I'm sure my legs were flapping, I was slapping the saddle with my caboose, and I'm pretty sure we did a bunch of counter cantering as we circled. AND I wasn't really sure how to transition him back to the trot. But it felt great!!! So I went with it! We cantered around and around the hill top in a circle in the snow. I figured if I fell off, at least it would be a soft landing. Gracie was free flying with me on top.

Honorable Mention Ride
I also had a fantastic summer hay field ride worth mentioning. I was more seasoned in my canter at this time. It was just me and Grace and as we approached the strip that runs along River Rd, we had a fantastic canter. I loosened up the reins a little, gave him his head, and let him go. I was like, come on Gracie, let's go! It was so awesome that we turned around and did it a couple more times!

Friday, December 12, 2008

My Three Best

98% of the time when I ride I formulate my ride in my mind ahead of time. I go over what I want to work on or accomplish that day with Grace and then based on what kind of mood he's in I adjust and execute the plan. I've been doing this ever since I've had him & I think it stems from my traditional "George Morris" style schooling from the trainers I've had over the years and the fact that I got him as a baby and had to train him. I always do this on the drive over to the barn. I have a pretty strong work ethic and have transferred that to him over the years I believe.
Lately however, due to his health issues it's been kind of a crapshoot and we are back to basics. Really basic! which can get boring but is necessary. Because riding Grace is kind of auto-pilot for me now, my mind has time to wander and not focus so much on what I have to do which led me to start thinking about my rides over the years. That in turn led me to think what were my top 3 rides ever. As I reminisced I realized that I've had so many really great & memorable ones that it would be hard to narrow down.
There were amazing parts of rides like the time Grace was learning the gymnastic & he was FLYING through it so Jan decided to raise it higher to help back him off. She said something to the effect of "ok lets see what he can do, are you ok with it?" I said yes & as high as she raised it he just kept jumping over it. It was amazing! The last time she raised it it was so fricken high she told me don't get ahead of him & I thought Holy Crap here we go. Well he never quit or refused it but he did crash through it. It wasn't scary it was just phenomenal to know he thought he might be able to do it. That's when I knew this horse would always try for me & he had a huge heart. There have been so many times like that that will stick out in my mind but the three that I will remember until the day I die are these:
1. I was a reckless, punky 12 year old and was at "The Farm". During the summer I LIVED to go there and I loved and rode Crackerjack, a large pinto pony who could run like the wind & was smooth as silk. He was sassy but not mean, fast but not dangerous and smart as a whip (just how I liked my boys at the time, Ha!). My grandparent's 250 acre farm bordered the WI Kettle Moraine State Park which is an awesome place formed by the Glaciers so it has kettles & bowls and miles of grassy mowed trails with cool names like "Ice Age". Someone in the VDB family of 60+ members had the wise notion to cut a hole in the fence of the property so we could directly access those trails. So access I did! I took Crackerjack out in the morning telling my parents I would be out riding all day. This was never an issue with them I guess because my father rode & was cool with it & my Mom was too nervous around horses to get involved so I was free to go! It was a warm summer day and I snuck on those trails & explored for hours without seeing another sole. It crossed my mind that I could get lost because it was so remote and the trails intersected so I made mental notes of the trail colors and markers but I also remembered thinking that the horse would know his way home to his herd (too many lassie shows from the 60's??). Crackerjack did know and we had the most wonderful day spent just the two of us galloping those trails until we were both sweaty messes. We rode home safely hours later exhausted but I felt totally alive and happy because I had spent the day riding as one with Crackerjack and Nature.
2. Time: About 9 years ago, maybe longer, before Independence Grove was built.
Place: Daybreak Farm.
Ride: It was a weekend morning in February and we had had a HUGE snowfall the night before. I went out there early and was totally psyched as I knew what I was going to do. I tacked Grace up took him out to the hay field and waded through the almost chest- high (his), virgin white snow. I got him to the middle of the field and let him rip! This was still in his "full of himself" days and he had endless energy and we ran in that pristine snow until he couldn't run anymore but I'll never forget how he felt in that deep, deep snow. I felt the power and force of his body but there was no concussion whatsoever. It was like rocking on a cloud and I never wanted the feeling to end.
3. Would have to be the trail ride with Tina and Gem and Dory and "Bike". I was excited to have someone (hadn't met Dory yet) coming to take pictures as I didn't have that many of Grace and what I did have weren't great. We were getting photos and a great trail ride in as well. It was a beautiful day in Independence Grove, we rode for quite awhile (poor dory had to pedal ahead) and it was just a blast! I was with my two best pals and was meeting a new one for the first time. Tina, thanks for sharing some of the best rides of my life with me and Dory thanks for the pix, they are priceless to me. I will return the favor, this time with me on the bike this summer. I can pretty much guarantee that the photo's won't be as extraordinary as yours but I'll do my darndest.
Ok guys your turn: Give me your Three Best!

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Back on the trail with Gem and Grace

Sunday wasn't quite as nice of a day as Wednesday and Friday, but there's never a bad time in the saddle. We headed out, as usual, about 8:30am, and it just started to snow as we made our way back from 137.

Friday, November 28, 2008

Black Friday.

This is what I do on my black friday. No fighting the crowds for me. It's all about sneaking off to the barn to get a quick trail ride in before having to go home. Grace was feeling great and it was a beautiful day out. :)

Can I just say I hate my voice on video. Yuck! And what was with the hideous face I made?

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Back in the Saddle with Grace

Today we took advantage of the beautiful weather (42 degrees and sunny) and hit the trail. Both boys felt really good, we trotted quite a bit and Patti and Grace took a little canter between bridges.

Gemmy must remember his near wipe-out on the ice last year, because he spent most of the trip with his nose almost to the ground, picking his way through some icy footing here and there. Gotta give him credit for being careful!

Monday, November 24, 2008


Today Dory took me to Sunflower Farm to visit Gravano and Slew. It was windy and freezing cold, so it was hard to enjoy ourselves but it was nice to see Gravano and Slew.

They were in turnout and only Gravano humored us with his presence at the fence. "If you push this button, his eyes light up," said Dory.

"I am the boss of my horse, Slew," said Gravano. (Slew's back there in the black sheet.)

View of Gravano and Slew's paddock.

Monday, November 17, 2008

On the trail with Gem and Grace

When they turned the corner to the bridge Gem stopped and thought: "Grace, this is where you take over..get up there and go first."
Rider: "Gemmy, you gotta go first, Gracie needs you to lead him."
Gem: "Un uh, Gracie goes first. Final."
Rider with leg applied: "Gemmy you're the man now, you gotta (leg) go first for him."
Gem: "Okaaaaay (walks 2 steps) ....NO!" (stops)
Rider with force (kick): "Gem you have to. C'mon, you go first today."
Gem: (reluctantly) "Ok, but I'm gonna go s l o w l y and right before we get to the asphalt before the bridge I'm stopping for one last bailout try."
Rider (at the asphalt): "C'mon keep going" (kick, kick)
Gem: "Awright I'll do it but I'm gonna LOOK at this bridge with my nose 6 inches from it and go verrrryyyy s l o w l y."
Rider: "Good boy Gem."

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Grace and the Girls

Patti had me come out and photograph her horse Grace with her two girls. This is Madelyn reaching up to brush Grace's face. So cute.
Off we go to the hay field.

Grace got a little spooked and scared the girls so Patti had to comfort and reassure them.
Ava Claire was a little timid at first.

We had this great golden sun setting that gave us some really nice warm light. Madelyn was a pro.

Workin' the pig-tails!

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Amazing Grace

This one's for you Patti!

We headed out to one of the pastures for a little photo shoot. I always forget though that all they want to do is eat when surrounded by grass!

more eating... gotta love his soft little muzzle and wrinkly old man lips.

Then we walked back up to the barn and he just stopped in the driveway and stood all tall, ears forward. Just looked like he was taking it all in. There was a pretty sunset in front of us.
Then we got silly and Grace wanted to be a giraffe for Halloween.

Grace: Knock knock!
Patti: Who's there?
Grace: It's me Patti! Let me in! (as he tried to see into the peep whole)

Thanks Patti for bringing Gracie into my life! :)

Friday, October 17, 2008

Here comes the herd!

I happen to have my camera in hand when Grace's herd was on their way in. Here they come!

Coal leads the herd followed by Doc, Skye, and Lea.
Here comes Gracie!
He's so cute!
In to the barn he goes.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

I thought I'd be horseless...

So I was in NY for the last few days and thought I'd totally be horseless. NOT! I found every horse in Manhattan I think. The first thing we did was go for a carriage ride through central park. This was Ricky. We picked him because he had purple glitter on his hooves. :)

This would be a horsey statue that we passed by in the carriage.
This is my cousin and Ricky.
FAO Schwarz had huge stuffed horses!
Then I found an officer on horseback in the middle of Times Square. Just chillin'