That is what made me get out the garbage bags for the Sunday trail ride!
"Huh, what? Garbage bags???
Yes! Tina, Tracy and I have been riding the trail the last few weeks and now that the snow has all melted the river is high and the 137 bridge flooded out. I was sick of turning around there and out of the desperate need for Tina and I to have a longer more scenic ride, it was time to overcome Mother Nature's obstacles and wade through mid-calf high water. I could have grabbed my Wellies, strapped 'em to my back or the saddle but then I would have bulky boots to deal with. Kind of puts a damper on the fun ride aspect. I needed something that was portable, waterproof and lightweight.
Pondering this in my kitchen that Sunday morning and being the savvy homemaker, I looked around and thought 'Aha..... my Glad brand garbage bags would do the trick'! I could just pack them in my pocket, slide them over my relatively new and still very clean field boots and lead the boys through.
I slipped the bags over my boots and offered a pair to Tina giving her the option to decline saying I would take Gem too since her tall boots have built-in 'air conditioning'. Tina snickered, (of course) and decided she would hoof-it (pun intended) over the road and meet me on the other side.
Well it was great in theory but when put to the test, Glad bags failed miserably. My right bag started leaking in ankle deep water (possibly due to Grace catching it under his shoe) and for fear of trashing my new boots I felt I had to bail (pun intended).

Lesson learned: You can't beat Mother Nature...... OR..... maybe I need to try Hefty next time!