Thursday, October 30, 2008

Amazing Grace

This one's for you Patti!

We headed out to one of the pastures for a little photo shoot. I always forget though that all they want to do is eat when surrounded by grass!

more eating... gotta love his soft little muzzle and wrinkly old man lips.

Then we walked back up to the barn and he just stopped in the driveway and stood all tall, ears forward. Just looked like he was taking it all in. There was a pretty sunset in front of us.
Then we got silly and Grace wanted to be a giraffe for Halloween.

Grace: Knock knock!
Patti: Who's there?
Grace: It's me Patti! Let me in! (as he tried to see into the peep whole)

Thanks Patti for bringing Gracie into my life! :)

Friday, October 17, 2008

Here comes the herd!

I happen to have my camera in hand when Grace's herd was on their way in. Here they come!

Coal leads the herd followed by Doc, Skye, and Lea.
Here comes Gracie!
He's so cute!
In to the barn he goes.